New features

I added two new features to my blog. The first one is that it is now possible to subscribe my blog via email. That means every time when a new blog entry is made you will get a email. Normally you can use RSS for this, but many people still dont know what RSS is.

The second “feature” is automatic translation of my blog. I know it is a terrible translation, but maybe it is possible to suggest what I wrote in German ;)

Enjoy the bad translation :)

5 thoughts on “New features

  1. すごい^^
    japanese version♪

    eee…i think my german ist perfect…
    ich habe every samstag deutsch.

    i went kyoto, zoo and to see a movie^^

  2. すどいねー
    あなたのドイツはばんぜん ;)
    どうぶつえんほんとにたのしかった? そうぞうする.おねげいします。ええー なのえいがみましたか?

  3. der Zoo ist たのしかった^^
    der film ist B.C.10,000.

    wann Andy verlasst ARI?

  4. Der Zoo war Spassig ;)
    Der Film hieß B.C.10,000. Ich kenne den Film nicht ;)

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